179,08€ incl. VAT
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Graut. GP144 VHF antenna base 5 / 8 GP144 5 / 8 Frequency 136-174MHz, 500W Power, Gain 5.15 dBi, connector type PL. Includes 2 clamps to hold a mast, to hold the antenna will need a mast or tube in vertical maximum 35 to 45 millimeters more Manufacturer: tagra Reference GP14458
GRAUTA. VHF GP144 5/8 base antenna Frequency 136-174Mhz, Power 500W, Gain 5.15 dBi, PL type connector. Includes 2 clamps to attach to a mast, to hold the antenna a mast or vertical tube from 35 to 45 mm maximum diameter will be necessary.